Behind the Iron Curtain: Romania and Moldova

About Tour

This 8 days tour will take you through some of the most significant sites associated with Romania's and Moldova's communist history, remembering the Nicolae Ceausescu’s dictatorship, the 1989 anticommunist revolution in Romania versus Republic of Moldova Soviet Experience - who is still struggling to find its identity, embracing two post-soviet daughters – the controversial regions of Transnistria and Gagauzia.Want to learn more? Join us for this tour and learn what life was like in communist Romania and soviet Moldova, but also the consequences of the communist regime's social and economic policies for both countries. Unfortunately, Romania was the only one among the communist block of Eastern Europe where the communist regime was overthrown through violence, with many deaths and victims as a result. For Moldova, the collapse of the Soviet Union was accompanied by a number of ethnic conflicts. After declaring its Independence, Republic of Moldova faced civil unrest in the early 1990s in the southern region of Gagauzia and the armed conflict in Transnistria in the East.


  • Discover how the communist regime ended after the 1989 anticommunist revolution
  • Visit the Ceausescu Grave
  • Celebrating a nation that doesn’t exist – Transnistria
  • Have a look at the Ceausescu Dream Palace, today headquarter or Romanian Parliament
  • Get an insight into the link between communism and faith
  • Live the past while visiting the autonomous region of Gagauzia and breakaway republic of Transnistria.
1 st Day

Arrival in Romania

August 29 st , 2021

Included highlights:

Fly to Bucharest and transfer to your hotel. If time permits, visit some of Bucharest’s important sights. Check-in to the hotel and enjoy a short presentation about Romania’s communist history. Welcome dinner.

Included meals:
  • Dinner
2 nd Day

On the way to Brașov

August 30 nd , 2021

Included highlights:

Spend the morning exploring the city, visiting Bucharest’s Parliament Palace, built in the 1980’s by order of Ceausescu, and Ghencea Cemetery, where Nicolae Ceausescu, his wife Elena and their son Nicu are buried. Before leaving for Brasov, stop in a canteen mall, formally known as a ‘cantina’, where due to a shortage of food in communist times, people were forced by the authorities to eat in large work style canteens. All the cantinas are now malls, where people freely choose to eat. Lunch on the way. En route to Brasov, stop to wander around the famous Bran Castle, which is said to have been Bram Stoker’s inspiration for the residence of the vampire count in his famous novel. Overnight in Brasov. 

Included meals:
  • Breakfast
  • Lunch
3 rd Day

Exploring Braşov

August 31 rd , 2021

Included highlights:

A morning walking tour of Brasov will lead you to The Black Church and up Strada Prundului to Piata Unirii. Here you’ll find the beautiful Church of St. Nicholas and The First Romanian School, situated in its grounds. Depart for Birlad for overnight stay in a soviet inspired hotel. In the evening, meet with a typical Romanian family and discuss over dinner how life has changed for them since communist times. 

Included meals:
  • Breakfast
  • Dinner
4 th Day

Meeting Republic of Moldova

September 01 th , 2021

Included highlights:

Set off today to the Republic of Moldova and to one of Moldova’s well known sights - Old Orhei, Here, visit 15th century “Adormirea Maicii Domnului” Cave Church. See the remains of Geto-Dacian fortress, a functioning cave monastery, and ruins of the old Turkish bath. After a delicious traditional Moldovan lunch in the village, continue to the capital of Transnistria - Tiraspol. Transnistria is a breakaway territory within the internationally recognized borders of Moldova. Although not recognized by any state or international organization, it is de facto an independent state named the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic. The country’s national coat of arms still includes the traditional hammer and sickle and a load of Lenin Statues that have not been pulled down. Overnight Tiraspol.

Included meals:
  • Breakfast
  • Lunch
5 th Day

Awake in Soviet Union-Cricova Wine Cellar

September 02 th , 2021

Included highlights:

Awake in Transnistria and see a communistic-type military parade. Enjoy the atmosphere as families relax and shop in the many small stalls lining the main street and pavement cafes are full with people enjoying local beer and freshly cooked shashlik. In the afternoon transfer to the world-famous wine cellars of Cricova. Here, see an underground city with obscure streets that are carrying the names of wines kept here: Aligote, Riesling, Codru, and Feteasca. The wines from this collection have an old history with bottles over 100 years old. Overnight in Chisinau and enjoy a special dinner with wine tasting. Overnight in Chisinau.

Included meals:
  • Breakfast
  • Dinner 
6 th Day

Discovering Gagauzia

September 03 th , 2021

Included highlights:

After breakfast we depart to another autonomous region of Moldova – Gagauzia. In order to understand who, the “gagauz” are we shall pay a visit to the Museum of History and Ethnography from Besalma village. There we will learn about the history, culture and daily life of the Gagauz from ancient times to the modern days. Next, we shall visit the last living “Kolhoz” - a collective state farm. Lunch will be served in the canteen of this “kolhoz”, where also the workers eat. In the afternoon, cross the Prut river, the border between Romania and Republic of Moldovia, at Cahul-Oncesti. In the evening reach Galati, an industrial city on the Danube, where the jewel of the communist industry was built - the Steel factory. Overnight in Galati in a communist era hotel. 

Included meals:
  • Breakfast
  • Lunch
7 th Day

Back to Bucharest

September 04 th , 2021

Included highlights:

Return to Bucharest – the 300km journey will take around 4 to 5 hours and a stop will be made en route for lunch. Spend some time at leisure in Bucharest before attending a farewell dinner.

Included meals:
  • Breakfast
  • Dinner
8 th Day

Departure home

September 05 th , 2021

Included highlights:

Departure home.

Prices and services:

  • All services as mentioned in the program
  • Car or MiniVan with A/C
  • Professional English speaking guide at your all days

Partner Price:

  • Price in double room/twin:        1368 Eur
  • Single supplement:                      239 Eur


Included meals:
  • Breakfast

What People Say

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Thanks for providing a wonderful holiday. Your knowledge of your country and languages is incredible. I have enjoyed every minute! Best wishes to you and your family, Bob.

This trip has exceeded my expectations due mostly to your thoughtful guidance and warmth. 

Thank you for sharing yout knowledge and passion about your wonderful country and for treating us like family. 

Hello Victoria, Thank you again so much for the tours last week! I had a lot of fun, and you are an excellent guide. Orheiul Vechi was really beautiful, and some of the photos came out very nice. I also really liked Chateau Vartely, so thank you for coming up with the idea to visit there. 

Tiraspol was quite interesting and bizarre, and I'm glad we went, even with the cold and rain. The Kvint distillery was very good. I had to resist finishing the whole bottle. I hope I'll be able to visit Moldova again sometime before too long. I will also let you know whenever I come to Romania.